Category: Interview
Second Interview with Author C. M. B. Bell
We’re back with author C. M. B. Bell to talk a little more about his writing career, including his experience working on his most recent project, the Revezia Electrum trilogy: Silver Genesis, Metallic Mission, and Golden Restitution! This trilogy takes place in the Revezia universe, a world equally at home with spell-slinging magic-users and technologically-advanced…
Interview with Author C. M. B. Bell
Today we have a special guest and good friend of mine, author C. M. B. Bell! Hailing from northern Illinois, C. M. B. Bell is a graduate from Judson University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications (Media Studies). This ambitious self-published author has recently released several works including Hollandus Landing, a cell phone…
Unique Blogger Award
On October 20, Fiction and Fantasy was nominated for the Unique Blogger Award by my friend, Curtis! Thanks so much, Curtis, and thanks to all of my lovely readers! You inspire me every day to keep writing. Ah, but there is a catch! In order to qualify for this award, nominees must: -Mention and link…