Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • The Archetypal Characters of Kingdom Hearts

    Photo by Sime Basioli on Unsplash Kingdom Hearts is a powerfully atmospheric video game series: the iconic opening cutscenes prove this time and time again. Characters fall into an ocean that dissolves into air as they land on stained-glass windows that shatter underfoot. Utada Hikaru’s Japanese pop music accompanies these visuals, providing an otherworldly and yet somehow familiar…

  • Storytime: “Adventures” at My First Writer’s Conference

    Photo by Rémi Jacquaint on Unsplash I’m learning quickly that writer’s conferences are all about contrast. There’s going to be some really fun things and new opportunities that get me pumped about writing. There’s also going to be some difficult things that throw me out of my comfort zone. Some… adventures, you could say. I…

  • Theme Talk: Christian Parallels in My Hero Academia

    This post will contain major spoilers for My Hero Academia You have been warned. Surrounded by people cheering for you, you throw off everything that once held you back from doing what you were meant to do. You hurl away your insecurity. You throw away your indecision and fear. You cast aside your lack of…

  • Storytime: My First (and Last) Summercamp Experience

    Photo by David Gylland on Unsplash The world is built for extroverts, and I’m just not one of them. This was never more evident than the time of year when kids at my church would make the annual pilgrimage to Wisconsin for summercamp. Year after year, I never went with them. When pestered to no…

  • Theme Talk: Living for Oneself in Don Bluth’s Thumbelina

    Editor’s Note: Corrected some typos on 9-30-21. Why didn’t anyone warn me about this?! Many people consider Disney the epitome of classic animation and a hallmark of their childhood. I’ve always enjoyed Disney, but there was a second animation studio I cherished just as much as Disney: Don Bluth Productions. Bluth’s The Land Before Time,…

  • Character Study: Who Is Eren Jaeger? (Attack on Titan)

    This post will contain spoilers for The Attack on Titan anime You have been warned. Funimation 2013 On the surface, Eren Jaeger of Attack on Titan seems like your typical shonen protagonist: he’s a young boy with aspirations of grandeur (to drive out and kill1 “every last one of” the Titans) and has an almost…

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