Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Writing Advice & Philosophy

  • Discussion: Fan-made vs. Official – A Double-Standard?

    Guess who got internet back? šŸ˜€ You guys ready for a juicy discussion? Okay, so Iā€™m a huge fan of Star Wars. Which means itā€™s been heartbreaking to see the fanbase splinter over the past few years. Love Disneyā€™s Star Wars content or hate it, I think the acquisition is one reason so many fans […]

  • Defining Relatability

    ā€œYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.ā€1 20th Century Fox 1987 via GIPHY Relatability can mean different things to different people. When I was studying storytelling, character relatability boiled down to ā€œMake characters who are real people.ā€ This meant making characters who possess qualities that are […]

  • In Defense of the Damsel

    Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash For a long time, the ā€œdamsel in distressā€ has become almost as much a death sentence for a character as calling them a Mary Sue. Critics sneer at female characters who need help orā€”heaven forbidā€”are captured. And goodness, if your character is kidnapped more than once, well, thatā€™s just […]

  • Top 5 Things I Learned at Realm Makers 2018 from Tosca Lee

    Iā€™d been to all of one writerā€™s conference before, and it was probably the furthest out of my comfort zone Iā€™d ever been. It was a small conference at a camp a good three- to four-hour drive away from my home state. Three days to spend with approximately forty strangers. I knew no one; I […]

  • Captain America: Flaws vs. Weaknesses

    Note: Made a slight revision to this post after I watched the new Avengers: Endgame trailer and remembered just how bad Thanos is. My apologies for the slight mistake in information. This post will contain spoilers for The Marvel Cinematic Universe, including Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, and […]

  • Hype: When Othersā€™ Opinions Affect Our Experience

    I finally got caught up on the deluge of Marvel movies. It took my more cinematically-informed friend sorting through the Marvel Cinematic Universeā€™s must-seeā€™s and optionalā€™s, but several weeks and six films later, I was finally ready to see the big oneā€”Avengers: Infinity War. My friend tried hard not to say too much about it, […]

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