Author: Jeannette Jonic
Top 10 Anime Girls
A few weeks ago I told you my Top 10 Anime Guys, but what about my Top 10 favorite girls in anime? (I’m keeping it fair by limiting it to only one character per show!) 10. Professor Ursula (Little Witch Academia) Little Witch Academia, 2013 Trigger; screenshot from Netflix She’s quirky, she’s a little goofy,…
Movie Review: The Last Jedi
This post will contain minor spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi You have been warned. Star Wars: The Last Jedi released in December of last year, almost four months to the day. And no Star Wars film has had such controversial reception. I saw this film shortly after…
Flash-Post: Jeannette Out of Context 4
“Why isn’t there a site yet just like giphy but easier to find things and also only anime .gifs That would make my life so much better Like 247% better” Today at 10:32 PM Chaika – The Coffin Princess, 2014 Bones — .Gif from iblessall’s The Great Chaika Gif Gallery. Grateful! From Him, To Him