Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • Top 10 Anime Guys

    There are so many incredible guys in the world of anime. Here’s my personal Top 10. (But only one character per show, or else half the list would be from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.) 10. Jin Ohtomo (Tokyo Ravens) Tokyo Ravens, 2013-2014 8-Bit; screenshot from Funimation He may not be one of the main characters in…

  • What Makes a Good Remake?

    Nostalgia may be a good thing depending on how we respond to it, but it can be used to manipulate us. Just look at all the media geared toward appealing to our nostalgia via remakes, reboots, and adaptations. I don’t think remakes are inherently bad; they stand or fall on their own merit. For instance, Christopher…

  • On Nostalgia

    People say 90’s kids are obsessed with nostalgia. Studios make reboots, sequels, and adaptations to cater specifically to nostalgic 20- and 30-somethings. Nostalgia is often seen as a bad thing. Either your nostalgia is being manipulated (to get you to buy a ticket to that remake of Robocop) or your nostalgia is manipulating you (and…

  • Type Casting: Katuski Bakugo

    Some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how would these “realistic” characters stand up to real-life personality typing? It’s time to put the Enneagram back to the test, gauging characters’ personality types based on their core drives and greatest fears. Type Casting: Personality Typing Your Favorite Characters The remainder of this post…

  • Parentage and Family History: Bane or Boon?

    This post will contain spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi You have been warned. YouTube 2018 Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the first new Star Wars film in a decade, so it came as little surprise when fans began feverishly theorizing about every question the film raised. Thousands of Star Wars theories flooded…

  • Fixing Titan A.E.

    We’re going back to Titan A.E. This may seem like a blast from the past to those who remember the review I wrote on this film back in June of 2017. To those of you who are new or need a refresher, Titan A.E. is an early 2000’s space opera in which the alien Drej…

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