Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • Type Casting: Riza Hawkeye

    Sometimes fictional characters feel just as real as the people you interact with daily. One thing that really makes a character stand out is a fully-fleshed, well-developed personality. In fact, some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how well do good writers craft these characters? How would these “realistic” characters stand up…

  • Excerpt – Fallout Roleplay: “Landing Zone”

    Fallout is a series of games produced by Bethesda Softworks that presents a world that basically explains what would happen if a nuclear apocalypse occurred in 1950’s America. It’s grim, it’s gritty, it’s quirky, it’s colorful. Much like this third roleplay I had the pleasure of playing with my friend Chris. Without further ado, here’s…

  • Excerpt – StarCraft Roleplay: “Incident at the Museum”

    Here’s another roleplay excerpt from Kaze and I. This one comes from the world of StarCraft, the work of game giant Blizzard. This time I played psychic-power-wielding Mercer, a spec op troop with one heck of a chip on his shoulder. Kaze played everyone else. Hope you enjoy, and remember to have a safe and…

  • Excerpt – Star Wars Roleplay: “A New Master”

    I’ve been on a Star Wars kick thanks to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and I figure I’m not the only one. So I dug out this snippet of roleplay I did with a friend of mine based on the Old Republic timeline. In this particular roleplay, I played Cailen Ukiir, a sarcastic and self-conscious…

  • In Defense of “Evil for Evil’s Sake” Villains

    Writer’s Note (10-10-18): Corrected some typos I noticed too embarrassingly late. My apologies. In the words of Spec Fic writer Janine Ippolito, they really do breed. Writer’s Note (8-4-22): Replaced pictures that went missing. Oops, pardon my mess! They’re back now. 🙂 — “Don’t make any ‘Mwahaha I’m so evil’ bad guys,” any so-called writing…

  • In Defense of Kingdom Hearts: A Series’ Maturity

    Editor’s Note: Upon replaying Kingdom Hearts 2, I realized the romance between Sora and Kairi is more prominent than I initially recalled. Minor sections of this post have been revised to reflect this. I hate the unbridled scorn for Kingdom Hearts. “I never even looked into this title because I assumed it was a kids…

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