Category: Advice
The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is “Style”?
Update : Added images. Added relevant links section. Updated formatting to current blog standards. This is part of an ongoing series! OR We’ve come to it at last: the sixth and final aspect of what makes up a story. We’ve looked at the concept, characters, dialogue, setting, and plot/pacing. Now let’s go into styles. Style…
The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is “Plot”?
Update : Corrected minor grammatical errors. Clarified attributions. Updated formatting to current blog standards. This is part of an ongoing series! OR We’ve gone over concept, characters, dialogue, and setting. Today, we’ll go over one of the biggest story aspects: plot and pacing. I say biggest because plot and pacing include all of the aspects…
The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is a “Setting”?
Update : Corrected minor grammatical errors. Updated formatting to current blog standards. This is part of an ongoing series! OR So far, we’ve gone over three of the six aspects of a story. We’ve defined a story’s concept and looked at ways to write good characters and good dialogue. Today, we’re going to be looking…
The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is “Dialogue”?
Update : Corrected minor grammatical error. Updated formatting to current blog standards. This is part of an ongoing series! OR Welcome back to the halfway point of the six aspects of a story! So far we’ve examined a story’s concept, kinds of characters, and aspects of a well-written character. Today, we’re going to be looking…
The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is a “Character”? Pt. 2
Okay, okay. So we talked a bit about characters last time. We know the difference between major and minor characters. We also know that we can classify them as round or flat, depending on how much they change throughout a story (if at all). But what makes a good character? Art is by nature a…