Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Advice

  • The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is a “Character”? Pt. 1

    Update : Updated formatting and wording to reflect current blog standards. Hey all! Welcome back to the six aspects that make up a story. These aspects go across all sorts of media, whether it be movies, books, television series, video games, or even oral stories! If you missed the introduction to this series, or if…

  • The Six Aspects of a Story: What the Heck is a “Concept”?

    The way I see it, every story–regardless of its genre or form of medium–can be broken down into six different aspects: Some of my favorite stories of all time excel at all six of these, but a solid story will do well at least at a few. Some of these aspects are more complicated or…

  • Is There a Little Author in Every Character?

    Update : Added relevant links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. I used to subscribe to a hypothesis that an author puts a little piece of himself–however tiny–into every character that he or she creates. It could be as big as a self-insert character (“This character is based off me,” as is the case of…

  • 5 Things I Hate About Being a Writer

    Update : Added relevant links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. I love being a writer. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve written about some of the things I love about being a writer. But as much as I enjoy crafting an entirely new world and all the little details that go into it……

  • 5 More Things I Love About Being a Writer

    Apologies for the lack of post yesterday! Life stuff shoved the blog totally out of my mind until it was too late to post something. So, Friday update! Oopsies. And more apologies, I won’t have pictures up for a bit here. Sorry! But anyway, here’s five more things I really enjoy about being a writer.…

  • 5 Things I Love About Being a Writer

    Update : Updated formatting to current blog standards. Creating an entirely new world and populating it is hard enough without even getting into crafting satisfying plots and funny dialogue that leaves readers wanting more. Nobody said writing was easy, but for people like me, it sure is rewarding. Here’s just a few of the reasons…

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