Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Behind-the-Scenes

  • Origins of The Victor’s Blade – Part 1 of 4

    I mentioned yesterday how a friend of mine played a pivotal role in starting The Victor’s Blade. Ready for story time? As children are wont to do, my writing buddy/best friend and I tried to go over to each others’ houses as often as possible. We’d play pretend or video games or action figures–whatever suited […]

  • More On The Victor’s Blade and Why It’s a Monster… Beast… Thing.

    The Victor’s Blade is about a small-town boy named Jaranin who must solve the riddle of his late father‘s journal. If he succeeds, the book will lead him to the location of his inheritance and destiny: a legendary sword called the Victor’s Blade. The sword, the topic of myths for centuries, is said to grant […]

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