Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Top 10

  • Top 10 Video Game Antagonists

    This post will contain major spoilers for The Kingdom Hearts series   Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword  Final Fantasy X    and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn You have been warned. Warning: This post contains images of violence. Reader discretion is advised. I love […]

  • Top 10 Anime Villains

    Author’s Note: Previously this post lacked notation indicating which version of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure I was referring to. This has now been remedied. We’re taking a break from Disneytober this week to talk about villains! Whether they want to take over the world or just mess with the main character, I love to hate villains. […]

  • Top 10 Anime Girls

    A few weeks ago I told you my Top 10 Anime Guys, but what about my Top 10 favorite girls in anime? (I’m keeping it fair by limiting it to only one character per show!) 10. Professor Ursula (Little Witch Academia) Little Witch Academia, 2013 Trigger; screenshot from Netflix She’s quirky, she’s a little goofy, […]

  • Top 10 Anime Guys

    There are so many incredible guys in the world of anime. Here’s my personal Top 10. (But only one character per show, or else half the list would be from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.) 10. Jin Ohtomo (Tokyo Ravens) Tokyo Ravens, 2013-2014 8-Bit; screenshot from Funimation He may not be one of the main characters in […]

  • Top 10 Female Characters I Relate To – Part 2

    5. Chihiro (Spirited Away) Spirited Away, 2001 Studio Ghibli I relate to Chihiro for a lot of the same reasons I relate to Satsuki. Both of them care very deeply for their family and are terrified at the idea of something bad happening to them. But while Satsuki more embodies my concern for my younger […]

  • Top 10 Female Characters I Relate To – Part 1

    I have yet to figure out what the magical formula is for making a character I can relate to, but the sign of a shoe-in is when I can look at a character, laugh, turn to my family, and say, “Yeah, that’s me.” So here’s 10 characters I relate a little too well to… 😛 […]

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