Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Characters

  • Type Casting: Mikasa Akerman

    Some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how would these “realistic” characters stand up to real-life personality typing? Welcome back to Type Casting. Type Casting: Personality Typing Your Favorite Characters The remainder of this post will contain some spoilers for Attack on Titan Season 1 You have been warned. Attack on Titan, […]

  • Type Casting: Riza Hawkeye

    Sometimes fictional characters feel just as real as the people you interact with daily. One thing that really makes a character stand out is a fully-fleshed, well-developed personality. In fact, some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how well do good writers craft these characters? How would these “realistic” characters stand up […]

  • Excerpt – Titans Together: “Retreat”

    Marcus leaned back in his black leather seat. His palms rested gently but firmly on the steering wheel as he guided the beautiful silver Porsche Carrera around a curve. They were a few hundred feet above the ocean. One glance out the passenger window showcased a gorgeous view of the sunset and a sheer cliff […]

  • Excerpt – Titans Together: “Seris’s Office”

    Another excerpt from Titans Together comin’ atcha! This one was co-written by my friend Kitsune Ninetails, who played both his original character Shissar and HK-47, a robot from the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game series. Fantasic series if you’re interested in Star Wars and enjoy a good RPG. Hope you enjoy! […]

  • Excerpt – Titans Together: “Loose Change”

    Some of you may recall my post about a year ago of an excerpt from Titans Together, a Teen Titans-based roleplay I was a part of for years. I happened across another one of my excerpts from that forum and thought you guys might enjoy. This one features two of my villain characters, both of […]

  • What Makes a Strong Female Character?

    I am not the end-all, be-all authority on writing. I’d say I’m pretty dang far away from being that. Heck, I have yet to publish anything. But I do know stories, and I do know characters I enjoy. Characters I remember. Characters I even look up to. This post is the beginning of a discussion. […]

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