Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Characters

  • Top 10 Female Characters I Relate To – Part 2

    5. Chihiro (Spirited Away) Spirited Away, 2001 Studio Ghibli I relate to Chihiro for a lot of the same reasons I relate to Satsuki. Both of them care very deeply for their family and are terrified at the idea of something bad happening to them. But while Satsuki more embodies my concern for my younger […]

  • Top 10 Female Characters I Relate To – Part 1

    I have yet to figure out what the magical formula is for making a character I can relate to, but the sign of a shoe-in is when I can look at a character, laugh, turn to my family, and say, “Yeah, that’s me.” So here’s 10 characters I relate a little too well to… ๐Ÿ˜› […]

  • Follow-Up to “Character Issues” Post

    Update : Added image. Corrected minor spelling/grammatical errors. Updated formatting to current blog standards. One of my readers was kind enough to give me some tips on my previous post. As I was replying, I realized that I actually had some new angles to examine while looking at this character (and that I kind of […]

  • Excerpt – Elemental Story: Drawing

    Update : Added photo and applicable link. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Here’s an excerpt from a work-in-progress novel I’ve mentioned once before on the blog, my so-called “Elemental Story.” Still haven’t come up with a title, but hope you enjoy this sneak peek into some of the cast! โ€œWell, now what?โ€ I look […]

  • My Experiment: Making a Modern Antihero, Part 2

    Update : Added buttons. Updated formatting to current blog standards. My antihero Cassius was a brutal and probably insane man–somebody nobody would want to be or be around. “Quellus ‘The Bone-Breaker’ Karth” is how he introduces himself to the party, using an over-the-top fake name with an equally ridiculous backstory to match. Why? Just because […]

  • My Experiment: Making a Modern Antihero, Part 1

    Update : Added applicable links. Updated links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. If you’re here for Part 2, click here. Last week I talked about how I wanted to expand my writing abilities by dabbling in moral dilemmas and creating antihero characters. Although it was fun throwing tricky situations at my otherwise squeaky-clean heroes, […]

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