Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Discussions

  • Unpopular Opinions Tag

    Taking a brief break from the saccharine fanfiction to talk about unpopular opinions on media!   Saw this on my pal C. M. B. Bell’s blog Iridium Eye a few years ago and knew I had to give it a shot…   Popular series I don’t like: Game of Thrones. It doesn’t feel fair to…

  • Discussion: Fan-made vs. Official – A Double-Standard?

    Guess who got internet back? šŸ˜€ You guys ready for a juicy discussion? Okay, so Iā€™m a huge fan of Star Wars. Which means itā€™s been heartbreaking to see the fanbase splinter over the past few years. Love Disneyā€™s Star Wars content or hate it, I think the acquisition is one reason so many fans…

  • In Defense of the Damsel

    Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash For a long time, the ā€œdamsel in distressā€ has become almost as much a death sentence for a character as calling them a Mary Sue. Critics sneer at female characters who need help orā€”heaven forbidā€”are captured. And goodness, if your character is kidnapped more than once, well, thatā€™s just…

  • Episode Review: Mob Psycho 100 – “Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~” (S2E1)

    This post will contain spoilers for Mob Psycho 100 Season 2, Episode 1 You have been warned. I saw great things from the newest season of Mob Psycho 100. Familiar Old Faces Never hurts to start strong: everything I loved about the first season was back. Funimation 2019 The beginning monologue, which introduces the world…

  • Theme Talk: Christian Parallels in My Hero Academia

    This post will contain major spoilers for My Hero Academia You have been warned. Surrounded by people cheering for you, you throw off everything that once held you back from doing what you were meant to do. You hurl away your insecurity. You throw away your indecision and fear. You cast aside your lack of…

  • Fixing Next Gen

    This post will contain spoilers for Next Gen You have been warned. Two weeks ago, we looked at Next Gen, a film about a young girl named Mai who watches her family fall apart as the world becomes engulfed in technology fever. Mai despises robots, but her perspective begins to shift when she encounters 7723,…

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