Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Spoilers

  • Fixing Titan A.E.

    We’re going back to Titan A.E. This may seem like a blast from the past to those who remember the review I wrote on this film back in June of 2017. To those of you who are new or need a refresher, Titan A.E. is an early 2000’s space opera in which the alien Drej […]

  • Type Casting: Mikasa Akerman

    Some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how would these “realistic” characters stand up to real-life personality typing? Welcome back to Type Casting. Type Casting: Personality Typing Your Favorite Characters The remainder of this post will contain some spoilers for Attack on Titan Season 1 You have been warned. Attack on Titan, […]

  • Type Casting: Riza Hawkeye

    Sometimes fictional characters feel just as real as the people you interact with daily. One thing that really makes a character stand out is a fully-fleshed, well-developed personality. In fact, some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how well do good writers craft these characters? How would these “realistic” characters stand up […]

  • Discussion: Reflections on “The Exodus”

    Now that The Exodus is over, I gotta ask: What’d you guys think of it? Did you like it? Hate it? How did you feel about the beginning? The ending? Anything you wished would have featured more (or less) in the story? Let me know in the comments below! And cut. That’s a wrap. That’s […]

  • Movie Review: Titan A.E.

    Writer’s Note (2-11-18): Some of you may be like “Whooooa, I was wondering where this post disappeared to!” while some of you might be wondering where the heck this brand-new but not-new post came from. This was one of a series of posts I had to pull from the blog temporarily so I could update […]

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