Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Struggles

  • Insecurity

    Insecurity. Self-doubt. Inner fears. The voices in your head telling you you’ll never make it. The voices outside telling you you have nothing worth making. I wonder how many people struggle with insecurity? I’m guessing about everyone. It amazes me how crippling it is to artistic people especially, however. I believe art to be something […]

  • Confessions of a Planner

    I’ve always heard novelists preach that you have to find a balance between planning and ad libbing. Some of your story needs to be thought out ahead of time. Some of it needs to just happen naturally while you write. In fact, many authors warn about getting stuck in the planning phase, because it can […]

  • Falling Into Plot Holes

    Update 9/6/23: Updated formatting to current blog standards. Plot holes. It’s what I’m encountering the most right now during the planning process of The Victor’s Blade, and let me tell you, they are a killer. For me as the writer and you as the reader. Sure, parodies like YouTube channels How It Should Have Ended […]

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