Tag: Work
Confessions of an Excited Gamer
Update : Added Notes & References section. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Maybe I should have named this “Confessions of a Procrastinator,” because I’ve been doing that, too. But can you blame me? E3 is upon us at last. It feels like I’ve been counting down the days to E3 since February or so.…
Confessions of a Reformed Grammar Nazi
I used to be a grammar Nazi. I know, I know. Hate on me all you wish. I deserved it. But I’ve changed since then, I tell you! I’ve seen the light! Just look at my blog and you’ll see. It’s nowhere near the polished English I craft for cover letters. I can be hip!…
Confessions of a Newbie Blogger
Pre-confession: I was going to title this “Confessions of an Amateur Blogger” to make it sound more professional, until I realized I didn’t even feel comfortable calling myself an amateur. An amateur! As if that word somehow has a semblance of “professionalism” to it. Nope. I’m just a newb. Keepin’ it real for ya. Next…