Fiction and Fantasy

April Recommendations (4 of 4): Nando v Movies

Since realizing how important it is to me to provide constructive criticism with my less-than-positive reviews, I also realized how difficult it can be to offer ways to improve the writing of a film.

Enter Nando v Movies.

Nando takes the time to analyze the good, the bad, and the ugly about films–mostly superhero films, actually. While acknowledging a film’s strengths, Nando walks through films step by step showing how one or two small changes they’d implement can change the whole story–or how he’d rewrite the whole film to tighten action, strengthen character arcs, and more.

Nando uses his exceptional grasp of pacing and film storytelling to construct rewrites of decent to abysmal films. Heck, I’d pay a premium ticket price to see his rewrite of the Justice League movie!

He does one-shot videos or, sometimes, entire multi-part series to totally revamp a film (as was the case with his Man of Steel rewrite). While I was one of the few people who enjoyed that film, Nando’s rewrite was so tightly-written that waiting for each new part to release was as harsh as the most cruel of cliffhangers.

If you’re into superhero stories, you have to give Nando a watch.

Channel: Nando v Movies

Buuuut if you’re not really feeling like checking out something new, why not read something old and familiar? And since we’re talking about superheroes, and superheroes are all about action, maybe you’ll enjoy this snippet of a fight scene from The Victor’s Blade, Book 1: “The Duel,” in which my personal favorite snark-master, Zaelor, finds himself fighting a rather slippery opponent in a dark forest.


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