Fiction and Fantasy

Update: No Post This Week!

Hi everyone!

As many of you know (and perhaps some of you don’t), I’m currently working on a fantasy fiction trilogy.

Unfortunately, I’m encountering some technical difficulties related to the trilogy and will need to take a break this week to resolve them. Because of this, I’ll be pushing my posting schedule for Disneytober back a week.

Thanks for understanding, and I apologize for the delay.

In the meantime, you could take a look at some Victor’s Blade-related content! The books may not feature a prince and singing princess-to-be like next week’s post, but it’s still chock-full of fantasy goodness… 😉


  1. That's a bummer, but I understand.

  2. Thanks for your understanding, and sorry again about the delay! All issues were cleared up, so we should be back to normal for this week!

  3. No problem. That's good even though now, I'll be on a hiatus for Iridium Eye again.

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