Fiction and Fantasy

Update: Life Changes, Temporary Hiatus, Monthly Posts Beginning in March!

Hi everyone! I have some big news regarding the future of the blog.

After undergoing a momentous move to a new city back in July, I’ve found a new full-time job. While this represents a great opportunity for me, it will mean that I’ll have far less time to devote to the blog.

I absolutely refuse to lower the quality of my work and want to do my best to continue to produce the kind of content you’ve come to expect here on Fiction and Fantasy. After all, I’m definitely a “quality over quantity” kind of girl.

That said, I will have to significantly reduce the regularity of my content. As much as I wish I could produce quality articles for you every week, I know that will simply not be feasible for the foreseeable future.

During the next three months (December through February), I’ll be going on hiatus to better acclimate myself to my new position. Then, beginning in March, Fiction and Fantasy will update on the first SATURDAY of every month.

I’ve had such a blast working on weekly content here on Fiction and Fantasy. I’ve had so many great discussions with my readers, and I hope to talk to many more of you in the months and years going forward. Thank you for understanding as I enter this new period of my life. I hope plenty of long-time readers and new ones alike will find the posts I’ve produced over the past two years entertaining and enough to keep you tied over while I take some much-needed recharge time over the holiday season.

That said, I can’t wait to get back into it with monthly posts starting March of next year! I have so many plans for posts I know you guys will enjoy. Please look forward to it, and thank you again for all your wonderful support. Without you, I would not be here.

Thank you, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and may God grant you many blessings in the new year to come!


  1. That's a bummer about not having as many posts, but I totally get it. I hope your new job goes well and that you'll have some shiny new content on here. Hope you're doing well!

  2. Thanks very much, Curtis! Six months in and boy, it's not quite the experience I would have expected given COVID-19, but it's been a very rewarding one. 🙂

  3. No problem. Six months? Wow, I didn't realize it was that long for a reply. This year has been quite crazy.

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