Fiction and Fantasy

What Class Should I Play in Final Fantasy 14? (For NEW PLAYERS)

As of Patch 6.18

Author’s Note 11/1/22: Due to feedback, Dancer’s entry has been updated. Keep that feedback coming!

Author’s Note 2/15/23: Updated Arcanist (Summoner) and Reaper with additional details after playing more of each class at max level. Also added a “Jump To Class” table of contents so you can check out which class looks most interesting right away!

“So I kinda want to get into Final Fantasy 14… Where do I start?”

Sure, you’ve seen other guides online. But they’re all too long (or too short) and consist of alphabet soup jargon. (What the heck is a proc? GCD? COOL-DOWN?!)

THIS guide will give you a QUICK overview of how the class feels and help you pick based on your preferred playstyle.

Plus, it’s written in normal everyday English!

Disclaimers: This guide is specifically for the main content of Final Fantasy 14, which is PVE (Player vs. Enemy). Jobs play very differently in PVP (Player vs. Player) content.

Blue Mage is not included since it’s a Limited Job, which means you can’t do most content with other players.

Jump To Class:



  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I haven’t decided yet if I want to heal or just do damage; I want to try them both at the same time.”
    • “I want to be a damage class that can help out the healer in a pinch.”
    • “I want to heal, and I like to plan ahead.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Pet that follows you around.
    • You get a free job! Arcanist turns into either Summoner or Scholar, which both share experience. So as you level up one, you gain all those levels on the other. (You’ll still need to do the job quests to get all your abilities though.)
    • If going Scholar, you get to be one of the more technical but rewarding healers in the game. While you won’t have as many “Uh oh I need to heal the tank NOW” abilities like White Mage has, Scholar is all about putting shields on your party members so you don’t have to heal them later. As FFXIVMomo puts it, the class rewards proactive players who are planning ahead. The biggest downside to Scholar over other healers is that Scholar’s few attacks feel weak and especially repetitive. (Hope you like punching the ground.)
    • If going Summoner, you get to continue enjoying the damage/healer “jack of all trades” sensation. You do damage but get a small heal and even revive people who die, making you a big asset when things go south. You also get to summon bosses you can defeat during the main story and use them to rain pain on your enemies in quick bursts. Great for people who want a variety of flashy attacks.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Arcanist when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • Upon reaching level 30, finish all Arcanist job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Arcanist’s Guild. To become a Scholar, accept the quest “Forgotten But Not Gone” from Murie. To become a Summoner, accept the quest “Austerities of Flame” from Thubyrgeim.


(becomes BARD)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like being nimble and don’t want to stand in one place too long.”
    • “I want a class that’s easy to pick up and not too complicated to play.”
    • “I want to help out my party.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Slow to start, but you eventually gain lots of skills that make you feel like you can keep pressing buttons to keep the damage going. Quicker-paced gameplay later on, with minimal down-time.
    • One of the few classes where mobility is encouraged; you can keep moving around while doing damage where most jobs must stand still to attack.
    • Bard is all about buffing your party and are always welcome on a team.
    • The skill Peloton makes you and your party run faster when not in combat. Everyone loves getting Peloton. Makes dungeons (or running from quest to quest) go much quicker!
    • Bard is the only damage-based class that has an ability that can get rid of a debuff on you or a party member AND potentially prevent them from getting the next debuff for 30 seconds. This is a skill normally reserved only for healers, so it’s a big help if your tank or healer needs a debuff gone STAT!
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Archer when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Bard, upon reaching level 30, finish all Archer job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Archer’s Guild. Accept the quest “A Song of Bards and Bowmen” from Luciane.


  • NOTE: This job is scheduled to be getting an extensive rework in the near future and thus might undergo some serious changes!
  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I want to be a healer, but Conjurer/White Mage is too easy.”
    • “I like always having something to do.”
    • “I thrive on micromanaging resources in games.”
    • “I enjoy games with random chance elements for their risk/reward.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • One of the most complex healers with multiple gameplay elements to keep track of (damage, healing, buffs). Good choice if Conjurer/White Mage feels too easy and Scholar feels too simple.
    • Support-based healer who gives out damage buffs to different party members depending on your party composition and which card you draw from your deck.
    • Relies heavily on random elements.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 50 on any other class, finish the main story quest “Before the Dawn.” Purchase Heavensward, if not already owned. Then go to the Athenaeum Astrologicum in Ishgard. Accept the quest “Stairway to the Heavens” from Jannequinard.


(becomes WHITE MAGE)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I want to try out healer.”
    • “I want to heal, but I don’t want a class that will be too challenging.”
    • “I like having a backup plan if something goes wrong.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • The best starting healer job. It’s the most simple and easy-to-learn healer, making it a great way to teach you how to play any healer jobs in FF14.
    • Buyer be warned: PAINFULLY slow start! Doesn’t get fun until you get the skill Holy at level 45.
    • Passive stunning ability on Holy can be a lifesaver for your party.
    • Great instant emergency healing skills, so you’ve usually got a panic button if things go wrong.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Conjurer when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become White Mage, upon reaching level 30, finish all Conjurer job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Conjurer’s Guild. Accept the quest “Seer Folly” from E-Sumi-Yan.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I don’t want to feel trapped on the battlefield. I want something that will let me run out of danger quickly.”
    • “I want a class that’s not too complicated to play.”
    • “I want to help out my party.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Best mobility in the game; gets Peloton and eventually 3 charges of a dash ability, meaning you can cross even the biggest boss arenas (and get out of looming attacks) in a second
    • Great buffs to give to the party AND partner with a party member of your choice to share additional buffs with them.
    • Only damage class besides Red Mage and Summoner that gets a minor heal for you and your party.
    • Author’s Note 11/1/22: This class can be intimidating to pick up initially as there’s a lot of buttons, and the basic combo isn’t intuitive since it works off a sort of “branching path” system. However, once you understand your basic combo, you basically know all you need to play Dancer. This makes dancer a class that’s tricky to start but easier to master.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 60 on any other class, purchase Shadowbringers, if not already owned. Then go to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks. Accept the quest “Shall We Dance” from the Eager Lominsan NPC.

Dark Knight

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like to take the lead.”
    • “I want to be a tank, but Gladiator/Paladin is too easy.”
    • “I want to be a tank, but I want to focus on doing damage too.”
    • “I like the edgy aesthetic or stories that examine the darker side of our humanity.”
    • “I really get into a game’s story and especially enjoy when the narrative specifically acknowledges my character.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Best job story in the game.
    • Be edgy!
    • Damage-focused tank with satisfying self-heals.
    • Rewarded for using tank shielding abilities more than any other tank; used effectively, it even grants you a bonus attack.
    • Tricky invulnerability ability that’s challenging but rewarding to master.
    • At higher levels, call upon your shadow to fight alongside you!
    • Tanks are great jobs for those who like to take the lead. You’ll be expected to guide the rest of your party through dungeons and boss fights.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 50 on any other class, finish the main story quest “Before the Dawn.” Purchase Heavensward, if not already owned. Then go to The Pillars (X:13.2, Y:8.8) in Ishgard. Accept the quest “Our End” from the Ishgardian Citizen NPC.


(becomes PALADIN)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like to take the lead.”
    • “I want to try out tank.”
    • “I love being able to swoop in and save the day when things are going wrong.”
    • “I love the traditional Paladin aesthetic: the noble, supportive, holy warrior.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Best starter tank job. It teaches all the tanking basics and has great survivability, making it a great way to learn how to play any tank job in Final Fantasy 14.
    • Paladin has the most simple and easy to use invulnerability ability.
    • Shield or heal other party members.
    • Best tank for saving a party when things go wrong.
    • Tanks are great jobs for those who like to take the lead. You’ll be expected to guide the rest of your party through dungeons and boss fights.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Gladiator when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Paladin, upon reaching level 30, finish all Gladiator job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Gladiator’s Guild. Accept the quest “Paladin’s Pledge” from Lulutsu.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like to take the lead.”
    • “I want to be a tank and Gladiator/Paladin sounds interesting, but I worry I might get bored with it.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
    • “I like guns, especially fantasy ones.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • A relatively simple job despite its higher starting level. Works very similarly to Gladiator/Paladin.
    • Plays faster than Gladiator/Paladin, making it a good choice for those who are interested in Paladin but might prefer a quicker playstyle.
    • Cool gunsword is cool.
    • Tanks are great jobs for those who like to take the lead. You’ll be expected to guide the rest of your party through dungeons and boss fights.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 60 on any other class, purchase Shadowbringers, if not already owned. Then go to New Gridania (X:11.5, Y:11.9). Accept the quest “The Makings of a Gunbreaker” from the Gods’ Quiver Bow NPC.


(becomes DRAGOON)

  • NOTE: This job is scheduled to be getting an extensive rework in the near future and thus might undergo some serious changes!
  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I’ve never played an MMO before and want something that will be easy to pick up.”
    • “I like feeling quick on my feet.”
    • “I like punchy, impactful, flashy attacks.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Slowest start out of the starting damage classes, but great for players new to MMO’s and vastly rewarding once you can become Dragoon at level 30.
    • Jump abilities make you feel like you’re a lightning bolt ready to crash down on your opponents. Good mobility… just be careful not to jump off a platform on accident!
    • Animations are really cool but do lock you into that location, meaning you need to commit to your choices (and will have to suffer the consequences). For something with more freedom, check out PUGILIST/MONK.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Lancer when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Dragoon, upon reaching level 30, finish all Lancer job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Lancer’s Guild. Accept the quest “Eye of the Dragon” from Ywain.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like being nimble and don’t want to stand in one place too long.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
    • “I like guns, especially muskets or Steampunk aesthetic.”
    • “I like machines/gadgetry.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Hits heavier than Bard but with all of the same mobility. You can keep moving around while doing damage where most classes must stand still to attack.
    • The skill Peloton makes you and your party run faster when not in combat. Everyone loves Peloton between groups of enemies. Makes dungeons (or running from quest to quest) go much quicker!
    • Doing attacks feels like a fun flurry of abilities.
    • Aesthetically has a lot of gadgets and gizmos: flamethrowers, noxious mist, drill bits, and your ultimate attack even lets you summon a cool android to fight with you.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 50 on any other class, finish the main story quest “Before the Dawn.” Purchase Heavensward, if not already owned. Then go to the Skysteel Manufactory in Ishgard. Accept the quest “Savior of Skysteel” from Stephanivien.


(becomes WARRIOR)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like to take the lead.”
    • “I want to feel invincible.”
    • “I want to be a tank, but I want to try something other than Gladiator/Paladin.”
    • “Serious stories are fine, but I really like goofy moments in a story.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Starts out a bit squishy but quickly becomes one of the tankiest tanks in the game. Almost self-sustaining self-healing abilities which let you charge into the fray without fear.
    • Makes you feel like you have control over large packs of enemies; one of your abilities is even a grapple chain you attach to an enemy of your choice, holding them in place for 10 seconds.
    • Warrior’s questline starts out serious but later has some of the most over-the-top goofy humor in any job quest.
    • Tanks are great jobs for those who like to take the lead. You’ll be expected to guide the rest of your party through dungeons and boss fights.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Marauder when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Warrior, upon reaching level 30, finish all Marauder job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Marauder’s Guild. Accept the quest “Pride and Duty (Will Take You from the Mountain)” from Wyrnzoen.


(becomes MONK)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like being nimble and don’t want to stand in one place too long.”
    • “I love old kung-fu movies.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
    • “I like classes that give me the flexibility to adapt to changing situations.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Be quickfast! Monk is notorious for being one of the quickest, most smooth melee classes in the game. Dance around your target for maximum damage.
    • Unlike Dragoon, Monk isn’t locked into combat animations and can switch between attacking single targets or multiples on the fly. Great sense of freedom and flexibility.
    • Easy to learn but more difficult to master than Lancer/Dragoon, making it great for players looking for a class that has a sense of challenge progression.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Pugilist when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Monk, upon reaching level 30, finish all Pugilist job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Pugilist’s Guild. Accept the quest “Brother from Another Mother” from Gagaruna.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I like the edgy aesthetic… but I don’t want to be a tank!”
    • “Teleporting around the battlefield sounds really cool.”
    • “I like punchy, impactful, flashy attacks.”
    • “I really get into a game’s worldbuilding.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • A mobile melee job, you’ll be able to duck in and out of combat with your teleportation abilities.
    • Slice and dice with quick, impactful attacks
    • Be the EDGIEST! Without the stress of being a tank like DARK KNIGHT.
    • Interesting lore in its job quests if you’re into Final Fantasy 14’s worldbuilding.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 70 on any other class, purchase Endwalker, if not already owned. Then go to the Steps of Nald in Ul’dah (X:12.8, Y:8.6). Accept the quest “The Killer Instinct” from the Flustered Attendant NPC.

Red Mage

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I can’t decide what I’d like to play. I want to be a jack-of-all-trades!”
    • “I love flashy swordfights.”
    • “I want to be a damage class that can help out the healer in a pinch.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Jack-of-all-trades, master of none: you get a mild heal, a resurrection spell, magic attacks, and a melee combo all in one class. If you can’t decide, try Red Mage!
    • This class is a support powerhouse with the ability to cast every second spell instantly. This means as long as you have MP, you can resurrect downed players even better than a healer can.
    • Flashy gap-closing/backflip animations. Backflip out of melee range to cast and then jump in for your melee combo. Just make sure not to jump off any ledges!
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 50 on any other class, purchase Stormblood, if not already owned. Then go to the Steps of Thal in Ul’dah (X:14.1, Y:11.7). Accept the quest “Taking the Red” from the Distraught Lass NPC.


(becomes NINJA)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I love Naruto and/or ninjas.”
    • “I like having a lot of tools in my kit to adapt to changing situations.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
    • “I get bored easily.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Pack as much punch as you can into your attacks, which include assassination-type moves and elemental attacks.
    • Combine different ninjutsu to generate the ability you want to use. Monitor the battlefield and select what works for an ever-changing situation.
    • You’ll never be bored with this job. Ninja’s Huton skill lets you speed up all your abilities, making Ninja feel very fast-paced.
    • Sneaky Ninja abilities! Turn yourself invisible. Teleport in a puff of smoke. Even reduced fall damage to accommodate all your high-climbing needs!
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 10 on any other class, go to the Fisherman’s Guild in Limsa Lominsa. Accept the quest “My First Daggers” from Lonwoerd.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I want to be a healer, but Conjurer/White Mage is too easy.”
    • “I want to be a healer, but do I really have to sacrifice attacking to do it?”
    • “I like always having something to do.”
    • “I like having a challenge to overcome and then revelling in my hard-earned mastery.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Most challenging healer to learn but vastly rewarding to master: can have great survivability if played well.
    • Do damage to dish out heals! Your attacks passively heal the player of your choice (usually the tank).
    • Animations make you look cool and smart. Also laser buddies! Laser buddies are cool!
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 70 on any other class, purchase Endwalker, if not already owned. Then go to the Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:9.4, Y:12.9). Accept the quest “Sage’s Path” from the Sharlayan Maiden NPC.


  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I love samurai.”
    • “I want something that will be easy to pick up.”
    • “I like fast-paced gameplay.”
    • “I like punchy, impactful, flashy attacks.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • If you like samurai movies, play this class to realize your dream. It has all the ronin vibes you want.
    • Relatively simple to pick up. Perform your combinations to get to your big-damage super attack.
    • Great damage output with attacks that look, sound, and feel so satisfying. Do big damage with your snickety-slicey katana.
  • How to get it:
    • Upon reaching level 50 on any other class, purchase Stormblood, if not already owned. Then go to the Steps of Nald in Ul’dah (X:9.2, Y:9.1). Accept the quest “The Way of the Samurai” from the Ul’dahn Citizen NPC.


(becomes BLACK MAGE)

  • Good for these kinds of players:
    • “I’ve played other Final Fantasy 14 classes and want to try something challenging.”
    • “I’m a very patient person and don’t mind a slow start.”
    • “I revel in working hard to gain more aptitude and eventually unleashing my fullest potential.”
    • “I like managing resources in games.”
    • “I like taking risks.”
    • “I like to min-max.”
  • What sets this class apart:
    • Worst starter class! HIGHLY recommended you do not pick this as your first Final Fantasy 14 class! Best enjoyed by players familiar with Final Fantasy 14’s combat who are looking for a unique challenge.
    • Painfully slow start and agonizingly tedious combat until level 45-50+. There are a plethora of memes about this class for a reason. HOWEVER, it ultimately richly rewards you for your tenacity with powerful late-game attacks.
    • Manage your MP, know the safest places to stand in fights, and squeeze out as many spells as you can before that attack falls right where you were standing! Play chicken with the boss on Thaumaturge/Black Mage.
  • How to get it:
    • Pick Thaumaturge when you start the game. Begins at level 1.
    • To become Black Mage, upon reaching level 30, finish all Thaumaturge job quests and the main story quest “Sylph Management.” Then go to the Thaumaturge’s Guild. Accept the quest “Taking the Black” from Yayake.

But you know, you can also play all of the classes!

Unlike other MMO’s, you can (and should) play any and all of the jobs on the same character.

No penalties. No need to make a new character.

You can pick up a new job at any time as long as you’re the appropriate level and have gotten to the necessary place in the main story.

Try them all out and find what suits YOUR playstyle best!

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. And I am not affiliated with them.

From Him, To Him


  1. Anonymous Avatar

    To be honest I kind of disagree about Dancer being simple to learn, I tried it out and was baffled for days until I just gave up, even with running it through Palace of the Dead to experience getting the skills one at a time

  2. Good call! I must confess I was forgetting my first couple days of experience with Dancer and feeling very overwhelmed initially. There's so many dotted lines when I click just one button! How do I know what the rotation is?

    Much like Red Mage, once you understand the basic rotation it gets easier, but it's definitely a class that suffers from starting at level 60.

    I'll include a note on that. Thanks for the feedback!

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