Fiction and Fantasy

Updated to HTTPS, Login Now Available!

Now we’re talkin’.

Hi Fiction and Fantasy fans!

It’s been a busy winter so far! How were your holidays?

My tech guy runs his own business and the winter was particularly busy for him, but he was able to update the blog a few days ago.

We’re now up and running on a newly-secured https:// site!

You can now create a blog account and sign in safely!

I’m still cleaning things up for the new site, so the blog will continue to change over the upcoming months as we get things juuuust right.

This includes adjusting each image and all external links by hand, so these may still be a little wonky over the next few months as I update each article.

Please continue to pardon my mess, and thanks for sticking with me!

Tell me what you think!

I’d love your feedback on the new site, including features or topics you’d like to see! Email me at


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