Fiction and Fantasy

Search results for: “kingdom hearts”

  • Theme Talk: Expanding Horizons in Kingdom Hearts

    This post will contain spoilers for The Kingdom Hearts series, including Kingdom Hearts III You have been warned. “This world is just too small,”1 mutters a young man as he stands on the sandy shore of his island home, staring off into the horizon. Square Enix 2010 Thus begins Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and…

  • The Archetypal Characters of Kingdom Hearts

    Photo by Sime Basioli on Unsplash Kingdom Hearts is a powerfully atmospheric video game series: the iconic opening cutscenes prove this time and time again. Characters fall into an ocean that dissolves into air as they land on stained-glass windows that shatter underfoot. Utada Hikaru’s Japanese pop music accompanies these visuals, providing an otherworldly and yet somehow familiar…

  • In Defense of Kingdom Hearts: A Series’ Maturity

    Editor’s Note: Upon replaying Kingdom Hearts 2, I realized the romance between Sora and Kairi is more prominent than I initially recalled. Minor sections of this post have been revised to reflect this. I hate the unbridled scorn for Kingdom Hearts. “I never even looked into this title because I assumed it was a kids…

  • My Biases

    My Worldview/My Faith: I believe that someone’s worldview says volumes about what they like and dislike, and that it’s the #1 factor in their personal biases. So here’s a little bit about what I believe: I’m a non-denominational Christ-follower. That means I believe in one God, the God of the Bible, and that the Bible…

  • Top 10 Video Game Antagonists

    This post will contain major spoilers for The Kingdom Hearts series   Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword  Final Fantasy X    and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn You have been warned. Warning: This post contains images of violence. Reader discretion is advised. I love…

  • Update: In the Process of Moving!

    Hi everyone! I’m currently undergoing a big move right now, and if you’re seeing this post, it means we haven’t quite gotten internet up and running just yet! @_@ Hopefully we’ll be able to get ‘net up and running in no time, but in the meantime, you may not hear from me for a little…

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