Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • Retrospective on My Hero Academia Season Three

    This post will contain spoilers for My Hero Academia You have been warned. I love My Hero Academia. And with season four only months away,1 it’s hard not to think about the show that immediately shot to the top of my favorites list. Still, I have to admit, I’m nervous. Season three was a mixed…

  • Excerpt – Star Wars Roleplay: “Scourge”

    To First Excerpt (“A New Master”) — [Upon returning to the Jedi headquarters on the planet Tython, Cailen meets the leader of the unorthodox Grey Jedi sect, who believe in using both Light and Dark Side techniques after achieving true inner balance. Cailen desires to join their ranks, hoping to better understand and control his…

  • Update: Anime Post Coming May 24th!

    Whew, it’s been a whirlwind of a week! Between moving my youngest sibling and taking a trip to check out some houses for a future move, I’ve been booked solid! How about you guys? Anything eventful happen this past weekend? My busy schedule, unfortunately, meant I made a miscalculation and won’t be able to get…

  • Excerpt – Star Wars Roleplay: “Return to Tython”

    Star Wars Roleplay returns with another excerpt! Today we pick up with Cailen after his harrowing encounter with Darth Occlus, a fallen former Padawan of Master Teek. Having barely survived the fight, Cailen realizes how much he still has yet to learn. If he has any hope of defeating the Darth, he’ll need help… help that…

  • Defining Relatability

    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”1 20th Century Fox 1987 via GIPHY Relatability can mean different things to different people. When I was studying storytelling, character relatability boiled down to “Make characters who are real people.” This meant making characters who possess qualities that are…

  • April Recommendations (4 of 4): Nando v Movies

    Since realizing how important it is to me to provide constructive criticism with my less-than-positive reviews, I also realized how difficult it can be to offer ways to improve the writing of a film. Enter Nando v Movies. Nando takes the time to analyze the good, the bad, and the ugly about films–mostly superhero films,…

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