Author: Jeannette Jonic
Why I Love Patema Inverted – And You Might, Too
A world divided—not by borders or races… but by gravity and fear. A world where one wrong step could leave you plunging upward into the endless sky. A world where government ideology rules with an iron fist, condemning anyone who diverges from their designs. Patema Inverted takes place in a Big Brother-style dystopia. The government…
Competitiveness and Identity
Competitiveness: the drive to push yourself in order to win. Competitiveness can bring out the worst in people. It can push people to break the rules in order to get ahead. It can result in “sore winners”: the people who rub their win in your face, or those who think winning is the only way.…
Update: Oops! Next Anime Post Oct 12th!
Eek! Due to me shifting the schedule last week, I confused myself and didn’t get the anime-related post ready this week! 🙁 You’ll be able to see it October 12th. There will still be a new Philosophy-type post coming up tomorrow! So sorry about that, everyone! Here’s a hint at what we’ll be talking about…
Type Casting: Aang
Some characters are so well-written that they seem life-like. But how would these “realistic” characters stand up to real-life personality typing? It’s time to put the Enneagram back to the test, gauging characters’ personality types based on their core drives and greatest fears. Type Casting: Personality Typing Your Favorite Characters Avatar: The Last Airbender, 2005-2008…
Update: No Post This Week 🙁
Sorry for the sad news, everyone! My extended family came over to visit this week, and unfortunately, I wasn’t as productive with my writing as I would have liked! I sure tried hard, though! The post juuuuust isn’t quite ready for this Friday. But not to worry–we’ll return to our regular schedule on September 29th.…
Vash the Stampede: Building a Character (Intentional Pacing)
The anime Trigun begins like a classic Western. No-good outlaws rule the land, making life especially hard for the ever-dwindling population of law-abiding citizens who just want to eke out a wholesome living. 1998 Madhouse There’s far more money to be made in a world with no rules, where the man with the fastest trigger…