Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • How I Name Characters, Part 2: Word Associations Are My Friend

    YOUR CHARACTER NAME NEEDS TO BE PERFECT— —claims the internet, and I can already feel my heart rate rising. “[The name] has to suit the character’s personality, makes [sic] sense for the era and, most important, be super awesome…” Oh, and by the way, “[y]ou need a name that ‘fits’ your character too” (Klems). I’m…

  • Why I Love Yona of the Dawn (Akatsuki no Yona) – And You Might Too

    All Yona wanted was to marry the man she loved. But with one sword strike, she loses her love, her family, her throne, and her home. Yona of the Dawn, 2014 Hakusensha / Funimation Yona’s sixteenth birthday bliss turns into a life-or-death flight in the wake of a deadly coup. Her only companion is her…

  • How I Name Characters, Part 1: What First Initials Say to Me

    I used to suck at creating names. That’s kind of a problem when you want to write fantasy and don’t want to rip off Tolkien or have names as scintillating as “John,” “Bob,” or “Henry.” (No joke, I actually used “Henry” for a big bad once. Ouch.) Making up names seems easy. Slap some letters…

  • Discussion: Reflections on “The Exodus”

    Now that The Exodus is over, I gotta ask: What’d you guys think of it? Did you like it? Hate it? How did you feel about the beginning? The ending? Anything you wished would have featured more (or less) in the story? Let me know in the comments below! And cut. That’s a wrap. That’s…

  • Unique Blogger Award

    On October 20, Fiction and Fantasy was nominated for the Unique Blogger Award by my friend, Curtis! Thanks so much, Curtis, and thanks to all of my lovely readers! You inspire me every day to keep writing. Ah, but there is a catch! In order to qualify for this award, nominees must: -Mention and link…

  • Blog-Exclusive Fiction – The Exodus, Finale (TVB Universe)

    To Beginning (Part 1) — “Took me long enough to find you. Hello, Mara.” Somehow, some way, she could hear The Magus, and it made her heart soar a thousand miles. She couldn’t see him; she couldn’t see anything but a brilliant white light enveloping her. But this was his audible voice, clear like crystal,…

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