Author: Jeannette Jonic
Why I Love Yona of the Dawn (Akatsuki no Yona) – And You Might Too
All Yona wanted was to marry the man she loved. But with one sword strike, she loses her love, her family, her throne, and her home. Yona of the Dawn, 2014 Hakusensha / Funimation Yona’s sixteenth birthday bliss turns into a life-or-death flight in the wake of a deadly coup. Her only companion is her…
Discussion: Reflections on “The Exodus”
Now that The Exodus is over, I gotta ask: What’d you guys think of it? Did you like it? Hate it? How did you feel about the beginning? The ending? Anything you wished would have featured more (or less) in the story? Let me know in the comments below! And cut. That’s a wrap. That’s…
Unique Blogger Award
On October 20, Fiction and Fantasy was nominated for the Unique Blogger Award by my friend, Curtis! Thanks so much, Curtis, and thanks to all of my lovely readers! You inspire me every day to keep writing. Ah, but there is a catch! In order to qualify for this award, nominees must: -Mention and link…