Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Behind-the-Scenes

  • A Busy Little Writer’s Update

    Update : Added images. Updated formatting to current blog standards. So Blogger’s autosave feature decided to bite me in the butt. Pressed some weird key combination on my keyboard on accident the other day, which somehow cleared the entire post I was working on. Then Blogger decided to autosave my blank page. With no recover […]

  • Why Is Writing So Hard for Me?

    Update : Added relevant photos and links. Corrected minor grammatical errors. Updated formatting to current blog standards. I was browsing Pinterest (Yes, I’ve become a closet Pinterest browser. Yes, I am completely ashamed that I’ve joined the bandwagon and joined the bandwagon so flipping late), and I came across a picture. Now the picture itself […]

  • My Experiment: Making a Modern Antihero, Part 2

    Update : Added buttons. Updated formatting to current blog standards. My antihero Cassius was a brutal and probably insane man–somebody nobody would want to be or be around. “Quellus ‘The Bone-Breaker’ Karth” is how he introduces himself to the party, using an over-the-top fake name with an equally ridiculous backstory to match. Why? Just because […]

  • My Experiment: Making a Modern Antihero, Part 1

    Update : Added applicable links. Updated links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. If you’re here for Part 2, click here. Last week I talked about how I wanted to expand my writing abilities by dabbling in moral dilemmas and creating antihero characters. Although it was fun throwing tricky situations at my otherwise squeaky-clean heroes, […]

  • More Story Ideas!

    Update : Added relevant photos. Corrected minor grammatical errors. Updated formatting to current blog standards. I am an organization freak. If you don’t believe that by now, here’s another piece of evidence for you: I have a document on my computer solely to list and categorize all my story ideas. This ranges from the big […]

  • Don’t Take Fifteen Years to Write a Book

    What the title says. Don’t do it. Don’t write a book over the course of fifteen years. It’ll save you a major migraine later in life. Or at least, if you’re going to work on a book for more than fifteen years, make sure it’s fifteen years in a row of constant work. Don’t take […]

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