Fiction and Fantasy

Search results for: “Zaelor excerpt”

  • April Recommendations (4 of 4): Nando v Movies

    Since realizing how important it is to me to provide constructive criticism with my less-than-positive reviews, I also realized how difficult it can be to offer ways to improve the writing of a film. Enter Nando v Movies. Nando takes the time to analyze the good, the bad, and the ugly about films–mostly superhero films, […]

  • Follow-Up to “Character Issues” Post

    Update : Added image. Corrected minor spelling/grammatical errors. Updated formatting to current blog standards. One of my readers was kind enough to give me some tips on my previous post. As I was replying, I realized that I actually had some new angles to examine while looking at this character (and that I kind of […]

  • A Glimpse into My Creative Process

    Update 9/13/2023: Updated formatting to current blog standards. First of all–WHOA! Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I woke up Monday morning and sort of had an emotional breakdown out of nowhere (I’m better now, though). Then Wednesday came along, and my sister/roommate decided to take a last-minute personal day due to inclement weather. […]

  • Cut Scene – Back-Cover Concept (The Victor’s Blade)

    “The tales you know are about a hero–he’s chosen by others, by circumstances, by fate… perhaps because of his skills or potential. Sometimes, he even chooses himself. But he is meant to defeat the insurmountable. It’s his calling. His destiny. “This isn’t those tales. “This is about you, Jaranin. Not because you’re the one meant […]

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