Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Victor’s Blade

  • Anticipation… and Anxiety

    Update : Added pertinent links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Have you ever been simultaneously excited and terrified about a task you’re tackling? Where does the fear come from, for you? I think for me, the paralyzing terror usually comes from fearing I’ll screw it up. Because if it’s something I’m excited about, it’s…

  • Excerpt – TVB: A Glimpse into an Antagonist’s Mind

    Update : Added photo. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Not sure if I’ll be including this in the actual book, but here’s an excerpt I wrote of a monologue by Maddokar, the antagonist of The Victor’s Blade. Enjoy! I am among the first-born. The strongest. The closest to our source. I am only four…

  • Reverse Butterfly Effect

    Update : Added links. Updated links and formatting to current blog standards.  So I’ve been working on more plot holes lately. When I’m working on plot holes, I usually try to focus on one question at a time. “Okay, if it doesn’t make sense for Jaranin to make this choice, then what can I change…

  • An Interview with Elun

    Welcome aboard, Elun. It’s great to have you here today! A’course! Any mate of Jaranin’s is a mate o’ mine. Say, that promise of victuals after all this hullabaloo still stands, aye? As much scoff as you can scoff. Writer’s honor. Just settle in and we’ll get started. Don’t mind if’n I do! A’right. Whatcha…

  • A Glimpse into My Creative Process

    Update 9/13/2023: Updated formatting to current blog standards. First of all–WHOA! Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I woke up Monday morning and sort of had an emotional breakdown out of nowhere (I’m better now, though). Then Wednesday came along, and my sister/roommate decided to take a last-minute personal day due to inclement weather.…

  • Cut Scene – TVB: “Zaelor and the Inn”

    Update 10/3/2023: Updated formatting to current blog standards. The air was thick and humid at the inn tonight. Stale ale and staler patrons left the tavern swimming in stench. As much as he’d prefer to be able to breathe out in the cool summer breeze, no one was chugging alcohol under the stars. He’d opted…

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