Fiction and Fantasy

Author: Jeannette Jonic

  • Starting TVB Book 3

    I started TVB Book 3 on Monday. I’m scared. And even though I keep trying to remind myself that I’ve felt this before with Book 2, it feels like a fresh fear. I guess that makes sense. To paraphrase Sam from Peter Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring adaptation, “When I go one more step,…

  • Updated to HTTPS, Login Now Available!

    Now we’re talkin’. Hi Fiction and Fantasy fans! It’s been a busy winter so far! How were your holidays? My tech guy runs his own business and the winter was particularly busy for him, but he was able to update the blog a few days ago. We’re now up and running on a newly-secured https://…

  • Update: New Place, New Look!

    Site under construction – pardon my mess! Update 2/14/23: Website has been updated to https://. You may now login to your heart’s content. Hi Fiction and Fantasy fans! I recently moved the blog to a brand-new fancy-schmancy site ( and am still in the process of getting things juuust right. Moving to my own site…

  • Update: Moving to Youtube!

     Hi Fantasy and Fiction fans!   So first, the bad news: We’ll be putting the blog on hiatus for an extended period of time.   Good news: I’m planning on taking the time to get re-centered and refocused on my fantasy writing. What does this mean? For one thing, Lady of Ishgard Book 2. And…

  • What Class Should I Play in Final Fantasy 14? (For NEW PLAYERS)

    As of Patch 6.18 Author’s Note 11/1/22: Due to feedback, Dancer’s entry has been updated. Keep that feedback coming! Author’s Note 2/15/23: Updated Arcanist (Summoner) and Reaper with additional details after playing more of each class at max level. Also added a “Jump To Class” table of contents so you can check out which class…

  • Excerpt – The Lady of Ishgard: Chapter 23 (Finale) (A FFXIV Fanfic)

    <<< Take Me Back to the Beginning! or << Just to the Previous Part, Please! CHAPTER 23 BIRTH OF AN ADVENTURER Hear… Feel… Think… She was floating in a black starry abyss. She felt weightless, untethered—yet not alone. Something like a warm embrace enveloped her. A gentle, loving voice, clear and calling into the darkness,…

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