Fiction and Fantasy

Category: Blog Updates

  • Update: In the Process of Moving!

    Hi everyone! I’m currently undergoing a big move right now, and if you’re seeing this post, it means we haven’t quite gotten internet up and running just yet! @_@ Hopefully we’ll be able to get ‘net up and running in no time, but in the meantime, you may not hear from me for a little…

  • Update: Anime Post Coming May 24th!

    Whew, it’s been a whirlwind of a week! Between moving my youngest sibling and taking a trip to check out some houses for a future move, I’ve been booked solid! How about you guys? Anything eventful happen this past weekend? My busy schedule, unfortunately, meant I made a miscalculation and won’t be able to get…

  • Update: April Blog Hiatus

    Hi all! First off, thank you so much for checking out my blog. Every view I see warms my heart. It’s so exciting to know people are interested in my brain-doodles. It’s been so much fun working on the blog and seeing it grow. That said, life’s been throwing some curveballs at me lately, and…

  • Update: This Week’s Post Will Go Up Later on Friday

    Hi all! Quick update: due to spending time with the family for the Thanksgiving holiday, my post this week hit a slight bump in its development. Rather than going up at 8 AM Central/9 AM Eastern this Friday, it’s going to go up sometime in the afternoon/evening. Apologies for the slight delay and hope you…

  • Update: Oops! Next Anime Post Oct 12th!

    Eek! Due to me shifting the schedule last week, I confused myself and didn’t get the anime-related post ready this week! 🙁 You’ll be able to see it October 12th. There will still be a new Philosophy-type post coming up tomorrow! So sorry about that, everyone! Here’s a hint at what we’ll be talking about…

  • Update: No Post This Week 🙁

    Sorry for the sad news, everyone! My extended family came over to visit this week, and unfortunately, I wasn’t as productive with my writing as I would have liked! I sure tried hard, though! The post juuuuust isn’t quite ready for this Friday. But not to worry–we’ll return to our regular schedule on September 29th.…

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