Fiction and Fantasy

Tag: Behind-the-Scenes

  • Flash-Post: Jeannette Out of Context 1

    Jeannette out of context: “It started as one single book… Then it expanded like a marshmallow thrown in the microwave.”

  • Cut Scene – TVB: “Naomi”

    Update : Added author clarification note before post and link. Updated formatting to current blog standards. An alternate cut scene where I also used the “lilies of the valley” line. It keeps getting cut! Check out the other version here. Winters passed without much grumble in the village of Sinoa, and Jaranin was sure glad […]

  • Cut Scene – TVB: “In the Rain”

    Update : Added link in footnotes. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Since I’m now working on writing TVB instead of just planning it out, I’ll probably be posting a lot more excerpts over the months to come. As I post this, I’m in the process of reviewing chapters 1 and 2, which I wrote […]

  • Anticipation… and Anxiety

    Update : Added pertinent links. Updated formatting to current blog standards. Have you ever been simultaneously excited and terrified about a task you’re tackling? Where does the fear come from, for you? I think for me, the paralyzing terror usually comes from fearing I’ll screw it up. Because if it’s something I’m excited about, it’s […]

  • Other Projects

    Any of you getting tired of hearing about The Victor’s Blade all the time? (Or, uh, if you actually want more, let me know that, too.) Although TVB is my current big project (and I’ve learned the hard way to focus on one project at a time), I have a ton of ideas for future […]

  • Types of Dreams

    Update : Added additional links. Updated links and formatting to current blog standards. I’ve been having dreams almost every night for the past half week. Or, at least, remembering that I dreamed. Makes me wonder, what are your dreams like? And I know that everybody has a mix of dreams. But what type of dream […]

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